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When, while the lovely valley teems with vapour around me, and the meridian sun strikes the upper surface of the impenetrable foliage of my trees.
Una noticia, un poema, una obra de teatro, incluso este mismo texto. Todo lo que se lee en papel se puede cortar, aunque también éste corta. La artista Ella Jazz (Madrid, 1984) se ha cortado muchas veces; con el papel, collageando, y a la hora de expresarse sobre él. Vive desconcertada por la palabra VALENTÍA. 1. f. Cualidad de valiente. 2. f. Hecho o hazaña heroica ejecutada con valor. 3. f. Expresión arrogante o jactancia de las acciones de valor y […]
This exhibition by Ella Jazz and is about the escape into memory. Through analog collage, she examines both sides of a specific nostalgia: longing and the haunting of that longing. This haunting leads us to question reality. Was that joy real and profound or was it an illusion we created in retrospect? What initially appears to be an ode to aesthetics and pleasure is in fact rooted in a desire to escape (a harsher reality.) The darker the past the further […]